The 49th anniversary of the 20th of July Peace and Freedom Day will be marked with various celebrations in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
The official ceremonies will start with President Ersin Tatar’s address to the nation on BRT on Wednesday followed by a 21 gun salute.
The main ceremony will be held at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard on Thursday where a military parade will take place.
Guests from motherland Türkiye and other countries will also attend the ceremonies.
Ceremonies will also take place in other parts of the TRNC.
The first ceremony will take place at the Boğan Martyrs’ Cemetery.
A ceremony will then take place at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Memorial at 6pm followed by a similar ceremony at the Rauf Raif Denktaş Mausoleum.
The symbol of July 20 celebrations, the Solo Türk Show will also be held in the skies of Girne around the Girne Atatürk Monument at 8pm.
Meanwhile Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre will be giving a reception on Wednesday July 19 in Girne.

The annual dawn vigil will be held on Wednesday night at the Yavuz Çıkarma Beach where Turkish forces first landed in 1974.
Those who were martyred during the struggle of peace and existence will also be remembered.
On Thursday the July 20th a ceremony will be held at the Martyrs Monument in the capital Lefkoşa.
In the afternoon a similar ceremony will be held at the Atatürk Monument.
The main ceremony which will be attended by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will start at 6pm at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard.
The July 20 reception to be given by President Ersin Tatar and First Lady Sibel Tatar will take place at the Lefkoşa Concorde Tower at 8pm.