3 AD-HOC committees formed to deal with issues related to earthquake
Date Added: 21 February 2023

After the earthquake disaster in Türkiye, the Republic’s Assembly carried out its first meeting on Monday and only one issue was on its agenda.

The general assembly of parliament began its meeting with a minutes silence in respect for those who lost their lives due to the earthquake in Türkiye.

Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre said a few words prior to the beginning of discussions at parliament.

He said that tens of thousands of people lost their lives in the earthquakes that led to much destruction in Türkiye on February 6.

“The champion angels’ team in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, our teachers and civilians lost their lives in this earthquake. Hopefully together we will be able to heal their wounds” said Töre.

The general assembly was then briefed on the formation of 3 temporary and special committees.

Addressing the assembly, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel emphasized that the opposition and government deputies were working in the spirit of consensus and added that while the decree that stipulated deductions from salaries was retracted a decision was taken to establish 3 AD-HOC committees and those committees would work quickly to heal the wounds in the country.

He said the first committee is the special AD-HOC committee that will follow the legal process related to the earthquake in Türkiye.

The second AD-HOC committee will follow the financial and administrative measures regarding the earthquake and the third is an AD-HOC committee that will deal with the legislation on natural disasters and earthquakes.

The AD-HOC committees were unanimously approved by parliament.

The AD-HOC committees are made up of seven deputies in total and have started working immediately.