454th anniversary of the conquest of Lefkoşa celebrated
Date Added: 09 September 2024

The 454th anniversary of the Ottoman Empire’s conquest of Lefkoşa was commemorated this morning with a ceremony held at the Lefkoşa Martyrs’ Monument.

It has been 454 years since the fall of the Venetian defences of the capital Lefkoşa to the Ottoman Forces.

The city fell to Ottoman control on September 9, 1570.

The island’s complete conquest would only be completed a year later in 1571 with the fall of Gazimağusa.

Today’s event began at 9:00 this morning at the Lefkoşa Martyrs’ Monument, where wreaths were laid at the monument in the order of protocol.

A moment of silence was observed, followed by the raising of flags accompanied by the National Anthem.

The ceremony saw the participation of key figures including Acting President and Speaker of the Republic Assembly Zorlu Töre, Lefkoşa District Governor Cemal Kuyucu, representatives from the Cyprus Turkish Security Forces, military officials, veterans’ associations, political party representatives, and other institutional leaders.