Prime Minister Ünal Üstel has departed for Geneva ahead of the informal 5+1 Cyprus summit hosted by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Speaking before the summit, Üstel reaffirmed full support for President Ersin Tatar and emphasized the importance of closely following the negotiation process.
“It is time to put forward new ideas. I hope that the Geneva Summit will be a platform where innovative and realistic solutions are discussed,” Üstel stated.
Accompanying Prime Minister Üstel in Geneva are Deputy Prime Minister Fikri Ataoğlu, Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman, National Unity Party (UBP) Secretary-General and MP Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, CTP MP Fikri Toros, Rebirth Party (YDP) MP Talip Atalay, Democrat Party (DP) MP Serhat Akpınar, YDP Secretary-General Erşan Sabit Yılmaz, Head of the EU Coordination Centre Selçuk Yürükoğlular, and Prime Minister’s Political Advisor Özdemir Tokel.
In a statement from the Prime Ministry, Üstel stressed that the summit aims to achieve a just and lasting solution to the Cyprus issue.
He reiterated that the Turkish Cypriot side would maintain its well-intentioned, constructive, and solution-oriented approach, as it has always done.
Highlighting past negotiation failures, Üstel stated that repeating ineffective methods would not lead to a resolution. He called on the international community to recognize the realities on the ground and accept the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot people.
The Prime Minister underlined the necessity for the Geneva Summit to serve as a venue for pragmatic discussions on new ideas and realistic solutions.
He reaffirmed the Turkish Cypriot side’s commitment to contributing to all sincere efforts aimed at ensuring stability and cooperation in the region.
Touching on energy security and water management, Üstel emphasized that collaborations in these areas would have a positive impact on the future of all residents of the island.
He expressed hope that the talks in Geneva would pave the way for a new cooperation-based process between the two states on the island, ultimately yielding positive outcomes for the people, the state, and regional peace.