Date Added: 15 August 2023

The funeral for the veteran journalist Süleyman Ergüçlü who died on Monday at the age of 69 after suffering a heart attack will take place on Tuesday after midday prayers.

A ceremony was held for Ergüçlü at Bayrak Radio Television Corporation where he worked for years on Tuesday morning.

Similar ceremonies were also held in front of Kıbrıs newspaper and the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association where he served for many years.

Süleyman Ergüçlü who completed his university education in Türkiye had first worked at the Voice of Cyprus radio station in Anamur before returning to the island to work for Bayrak Radio Television Corporation as an editor and reporter.

Leaving BRTK in 1986, the veteran journalist worked at various papers and news agencies

He created the first online news portal in the TRNC Kimgazet which later closed down.

Ergüçlü joined Kıbrıs newspaper in 1989, serving as the paper’s editor-in-chief.

He later went on to serve as the chairman of Bayrak Radio Television Corporation and the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association.

Ergüçlü also wrote two books “Seyahatname” and “Edebiyat”.

He is survived by his wife and three children.