Acting Pres. Töre attends congress and participated in panel
Date Added: 30 May 2024

Acting President Zorlu Töre took part in the 2nd International Positive Schools and Well-Being Congress and addressed a panel on the Current Situation in Education and Future Predictions in the Digitalizing World.

Before the panel, Töre visited the Birkan Uzun Exhibition at the Summit and chatted with the students and their teachers.

Speaking here, Töre stated that the TRNC flag unfurled by Birkan Uzun at the summit inspired all young people.

Quoting Atatürk’s words, Töre said that they will not compromise on freedom and independence.

He also stated that it is important to follow and apply the developing technology in every field and that serious investments have been made in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in the field of digitalization.

The congress is hosting participants from 6 different continents and 31 countries and will come to an end on Friday, May 31st.