AD-HOC committee established at parliament holds first meeting
Date Added: 23 February 2023

The Republic Assembly’s AD-Hoc Committee formed to regulate the legislation on Natural Disasters and Earthquakes held its first meeting under the chairmanship of the head of the committee National Unity Party (UBP) MP Özdemir Berova.

According to a written statement issued by the Republic’s Assembly, the committee first listened to the views of its guests.

Those who were invited to take part in the first committee meeting were the Ministry of Finance, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office, the Cyprus Turkish Union of Engineers and Architects, the Cyprus Turkish Contractors Association, the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce, the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, the Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers’ Union (KTÖES), Dev-İş, KTAMS, HÜR-İŞ , KAMUSEN, KTÖS, TÜRKSEN, GÜÇ-SEN, KOOP-SEN, VERGİ-SEN, TIP-İŞ, MALİYE-SEN, EMU BIR-SEN, ÇAĞ-SEN, TEL-SEN, the Chamber of Geological Engineers and officials from the Environment Platform.

The meeting chaired by UBP Deputy Özdemir Berova was attended by the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Deputy and Committee Chairman Fikri Toros, Committee members National Unity Party (UBP) Deputy Ahmet Savaşan and Emrah Yeşilırmak, Rebirth Party (YDP) Deputy Talip Atalay, CTP Deputy Devrim Barçın and Democrat Party (DP) Deputy Hasan Tosunoğlu.

UBP Deputy Hasan Küçük, CTP Deputy Erkut Şahali and Independent MP’s Ayşegül Baybars and Jale Refik Rogers also attended the committee meeting.