Ali Başman candidate of UBP
Date Added: 27 April 2023

The by-election for a Lefkoşa deputy will be held on 25 June.

A decision to hold the elections earlier which had been approved by the President has come into force after being published in the Official Gazette.

The duration of the election bans, which was 60 days, was rearranged and shortened to 30 days.

Meanwhile, the National Unity Party (UBP) has nominated its candidate for the election.

The leader of the UBP Prime Minister Ünal Üstel announced that businessman Ali Başman will be running for the single seat in parliament vacated following People’s Party Leader Kudret Özersay’s resignation.

The authorized bodies of the National Unity Party convened on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Ünal Üstel to nominate its candidate for the upcoming by-election and to amend the party’s by-laws.

Speaking during the meeting, Üstel announced businessperson Ali Başman as the party’s candidate for the June 25 elections.

Stressing that the election to be held on June 25 was important for the UBP, he said that they will win by working together across the country.

Üstel then invited Ali Başman to the meeting to address the Party Assembly.

In his short speech, Başman stated that he was honoured to be nominated and stated that he wants to be an active member of parliament.

Başman stressed the importance of working together to win.