Ambassador Feyzioğlu paid farewell visits to PM Üstel and FM Ertuğruloğlu
Date Added: 14 August 2024

The Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa, Metin Feyzioğlu, paid a farewell visit to Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, followed by a visit to Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu.

Speaking during the visit, Prime Minister Üstel noted that Ambassador Feyzioğlu made significant contributions to the completion of all major projects carried over from the past and wished him success in his new duty.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel received Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa, Metin Feyzioğlu, who paid a farewell visit as his term of service comes to an end.

Speaking during the visit, Prime Minister Üstel said, “Our Ambassador, with whom we have worked very closely for the past two years, has been assigned to another position. During this period, he made significant contributions to our country by helping us complete all major projects carried over from the past.”

Pointing out that Ercan State Airport, which had been awaiting completion since 2013, was finally brought to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) with the strong support of Turkish President Erdoğan and under the leadership of the Ambassador, the Premier noted that the Ambassador made significant contributions to the realization of many projects.

“Very large projects have come to life in our country through the Economic and Financial Cooperation Protocols,” Üstel said and stressed that the 2024-2025 Financial Cooperation Protocol is particularly important for the steps to be taken in healthcare.

“The people of the TRNC will miss you greatly; our doors are always open to you” Prime Minister Üstel said and wished Ambassador Feyzioğlu success in his new position.

For his part, Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa, Metin Feyzioğlu, noted that he has been assigned to serve the state in another capacity, adding that he wanted it to be known that he will continue to serve the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) wherever he goes.

“My heart aches because I am leaving my friends and these lands, which I love more than my own life. For two full years, I served this island and the Turkish Cypriots. If there is any success, it is thanks to the great vision of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and your determined, consistent, and energetic efforts. We are two independent states, the TRNC and Türkiye, two separate states. In addition to an unparalleled alliance, there is a bond of brotherhood between us. We will continue to work for the further strengthening of the TRNC” Feyzioğlu said.

“In this environment of stability, many projects that had not been completed for 20 years have either been finished or are nearing completion. Your government and parliament have worked together as brothers, and we have accomplished great things” he added.

“Ercan Airport, which was on the verge of not opening, was inaugurated through superhuman effort. We reached the passenger capacity we had anticipated for 2027 within just one year. If we contributed to this, how fortunate we are. Geçitkale Airport was essential for defence, and you resolved this issue as well. The most crucial steps to ensure the security of the Turkish Cypriots were taken under your leadership, with the help of the government and parliament. With the Water Project of the Century, 100,000 acres of arid land in Mesarya will be irrigated. The entire route of the water pipeline has been planned, and if work continues in this stable environment, it will be completed within a year and a half. These are achievements that fill us with pride” the Turkish Ambassador said.

Noting that with the latest protocol, healthcare investments in the TRNC had been restructured, he stressed that within the framework of the budget, many health issues would be largely resolved.

Feyzioğlu also pointed out the renovation of the Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, the construction of health centres, and the military hospital as examples of the many healthcare investments made, all of which were realized in an environment of stability as a result of close relations with Türkiye.

Touching upon the construction of the Presidential Complex and the Republic’s Assembly buildings, he said, “These buildings are a signature of the permanence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), something to be proud of. As Founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş said, this is the embodiment of the commitment to safeguard the TRNC.”

Stating that Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, by avoiding populism, accomplished tasks that were deemed impossible, Ambassador Feyzioğlu said, “The Immovable Property Law is commendable; with this law, it has been stressed that the TRNC is a state governed by the rule of law. The Üstel government has ensured its enforcement. Regarding the investigation into universities, with the support of Türkiye, a major step was taken in addressing diploma fraud.”

After meeting with the Prime Minister, Ambassador Metin Feyzioğlu also paid a farewell visit to Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu.