Arıklı: Ada 74 has reached Gazimağusa Port
Date Added: 25 April 2023

The Ada 74 ship that was taken to the Maritime Company for repairs is at Gazimağusa Port.

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı announced that their attempts to improve the Turkish Cypriot Shipping Company has borne fruit, and that the ship named “Ada 74”, which they bought together with the Privatisation Administration of Türkiye, has reached the port of Gazimağusa.

In a statement via his social media account, Arıklı stated that the Ada 74 ship, with a capacity of 400 passengers, 15 trucks and 25 small vehicles will give a new impetus for the transportation sector.

He said that the ship will be taken to Mersin during the week to be modernized and the aim is for the ship to begin regular voyages as of the May 4.