Arıklı receives KTTO officials
Date Added: 25 April 2023

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı on Monday received a delegation from the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (KTTO) who is briefing state and government officials on energy production and alternative options in the TRNC.

The delegation headed by Turgay Deniz gave a presentation to Arıklı on the report prepared by the chamber titled “Current Electricity Production in the TRNC and Interconnectivity Options.”

Receiving information on the report from the chamber officials, the Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı highlighted the importance of energy security.

“All stakeholders must contribute when formulating a national energy policy. We as the government shall take into account the contributions made by the chamber,” he said.

Arıklı added that interconnectivity with Türkiye was a necessity in ensuring energy supply security.

This he said will reduce costs significantly.

Arıklı also pointed out that this could be a confidence-building measure between the two sides that would benefit everyone.