Arıklı reveals plans for fiber optic infrastructure
Date Added: 08 October 2024

TRNC Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Erhan Arıklı, revealed that the preparations for the fiber optic infrastructure, which will provide house-to-house connections, have reached their final stages, and the tender process is set to begin soon.

Speaking on BRT on Monday, Minister Erhan Arıklı emphasized the importance of the project, describing it as both a modern necessity and a significant future source of economic revenue.

Minister Arıklı expressed confusion over the delays in implementing the fiber optic infrastructure, noting that the topic had been discussed since the early 2000’s but no concrete steps had been taken.

“When I took office, I gathered all the stakeholders and told them we would resolve the house-to-house fiber issue quickly,” Arıklı stated.

However, he pointed out that the Central Tender Commission law posed obstacles to such projects.

To overcome these hurdles, Arıklı explained that he proposed the creation of a consortium composed of all relevant stakeholders in the country.

“I wanted this project to be carried out by local companies—our own people,” he said.

The proposal was accepted, and the Cabinet approved the decision to form the consortium. The tender for the fiber optic infrastructure will be launched shortly.

Arıklı emphasized that if the TRNC aims to become a “digital island,” with its 24 universities and ambition to stay at the forefront of software development, the necessary infrastructure must be established through the house-to-house fiber project.

He highlighted that the development of a strong software environment in the TRNC would attract numerous investors to the country, underlining that this project is not only a requirement of the modern age but also a promising future economic asset.