The overthrow of the 61-year-old Baathist regime was greeted with joy by Syrians who had to flee their country due to the civil war.
Many Syrians in Türkiye celebrated Assad’s fall with much jubilation.
Syrians gathered on the streets of Istanbul and demonstrated their joy.
They then lowered the flag of the Assad regime at the Consulate General in Istanbul.
Syrians who migrated to Türkiye due to the civil war gathered in different cities across Türkiye and celebrated the news of Assad’s fall.
Syrians in Istanbul gathered at Fatih Mosque and then they lowered the flag of the Assad regime at the Consulate General in Istanbul.
Despite the rain, Syrians and their children hugged each other and rejoiced.
The group waved the Turkish flag and the flag of the Free Syrian Army.
In addition to Istanbul, Syrians also celebrated in different cities of Türkiye.