Bilimfest Cyprus kicked off on Monday evening
Date Added: 11 July 2023


The first science festival for children in Northern Cyprus, Bilimfest Cyprus organized by the Heydar Aliyev International Cultural Centre and the Azerbaijan-Cyprus Friendship Society in collaboration with Science Türkiye, kicked off on Monday evening.

The festival, held in commemoration of Heydar Aliyev’s birthday and the centennial of the Republic of Türkiye’s foundation, features a series of fun and interactive activities aimed at increasing children’s interest in science, fostering curiosity, and supporting their scientific thinking skills.

The event was launched with a ceremony held at the Alsancak National Park on Monday evening.

Orhan Hasanoğlu, the President of the Azerbaijan-Cyprus Friendship Society and the Heydar Aliyev International Cultural Centre, stated that the association, established in 2012, was working to build cultural bridges between the TRNC, Azerbaijan, and the Turkic states.

Selin Görmez, the Manager of Ankara Science Pursaklar on behalf of Science Türkiye, provided information about the goals and activities of the organisation.

Görmez emphasized their aim to popularize and enhance the interest in science, knowledge, and technology in society.

The Minister of Labour and Social Security Hasan Taçoy emphasized in his speech that the future lies in information technology and young people, highlighting the importance of creating generations that produce and master technology, science, and knowledge instead of importing them from outside.

The Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu expressed that they sincerely feel the strength of Turkish unity and the sentiment of one nation, three states.

Çavuşoğlu stated that their wishes include an increase in cultural, scientific, and artistic encounters among the Turkic states and a closer understanding among the peoples, emphasizing the need to establish and expand Turkish unity in practice rather than just in words.

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre in his speech emphasized that the once dreamt Turkish unity has now become a reality.

Töre highlighted the importance of the establishment of the Turkic Council in this context.

President Ersin Tatar, in his opening speech, stated that the bonds and solidarity between the TRNC and the Turkic states are of great importance.                                                   …./3….

Tatar expressed his belief that the observer status of the TRNC in the Turkic Council will strengthen and enhance these bonds.

He mentioned that despite all obstacles, restrictions, and embargoes, the TRNC is courageously moving towards the future.

The president also expressed his belief that young people, by utilizing all the innovations in technology and science, will lead their country to a more prosperous future.

Tatar stated that with the relationships to be established with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS), and other countries, and by benefiting from the opportunities of communication, technology, science, and knowledge, the TRNC will undertake much greater projects in the future. He said, “We are striving to provide our children with all the opportunities of modernity, universality, science, and knowledge through our education system.”

Following the speeches, the officials who attended the opening visited the science tents and the Science Mobile Truck. The festival continued with folk dance performances.

Throughout the festival which will continue until July 12, science tents, technology booths, and the Mobile Science and Technology Truck will offer scientific and technological experiences to visitors.

Through workshops, experiments, science shows, and exhibitions throughout the festival, children will have the opportunity to explore the boundaries of science.