British Conservative MP Iain Duncan Smith expresses strong support for direct flights to TRNC
Date Added: 12 July 2024

British Conservative MP Iain Duncan Smith has expressed strong support for the Turkish Cypriot community’s desire for direct flights to the northern part of Cyprus.

Duncan Smith who was received by President Ersin Tatar at the Presidential Palace on Friday reiterated his commitment to this cause.

Speaking to reporters following a one-hour-long meeting Smith said, “I’m very pleased to have come to Cyprus for the first time and to be greeted by the President. I’m here because I have been campaigning and will continue to campaign with the [British] government to make sure that British citizens of Turkish Cypriot origin, who have large families both in London and here, can travel without the difficulties posed by the lack of direct flights,” he said.

He emphasized the humanitarian importance of enabling British citizens to have easy access to their families, noting that this is his primary reason for visiting and showing support.

When asked about broader political support for this initiative, Duncan Smith highlighted that it was a cross-party effort.

“As you saw from the letter that was signed a few weeks ago before the election campaign in the UK began, this initiative has garnered support across all parties, including ex-government ministers like Jack Straw from the Labour Party. This is not a political party issue but one of common sense and humanitarian concern. It doesn’t seem reasonable not to have direct access for so many British families who also live here. We are trying to ensure that Turkish Cypriot British citizens can visit their families and reconnect with their roots as free British citizens,” he explained.

Addressing the main obstacles to achieving direct flights, Duncan Smith acknowledged the complexity of the issue but called for progress.

“There are many parts to this discussion and process, as you know better than I do. However, there needs to be some movement on this because it is not a huge request. I have experienced difficulties getting here myself, and it is only reasonable to find a solution,” he said.

Also speaking, President Ersin Tatar expressed his gratitude for Duncan Smith’s visit, noting the significance of his support.

“He has been a long-standing friend and is a very influential MEP in the UK. Despite a tough election, he managed to be re-elected as an MP from the Conservative Party. I would like to once again express my heartfelt congratulations on your success,” Tatar said.

The president emphasized the strong relationship between the British government and the Turkish Cypriot community in London.

“We value your interest in the affairs of our community as Turkish Cypriots have been a very successful and integrated part of British society for many years. We have many successful businesspeople in the UK, who not only have strong relationships with Turkish Cypriots but also with Türkiye and the UK. Many of them have roots here in the TRNC, with investments and many British citizens living in the northern part of Cyprus,” he explained.

Tatar highlighted the importance of direct flights and communication between the TRNC and the UK for the economy, social affairs, and the relationship between the two regions.

“Turkish Cypriots have very strong connections with the UK. We have as many Turkish Cypriots living in the UK as we have here in northern Cyprus. Some estimates put the number as high as 300,000. When we look at the root cause of the Cyprus problem, we all agree that Turkish Cypriots have been very unfairly treated. We all want a resolution to the Cyprus problem, but it has to be fair, practical, and sustainable,” he said.

Tatar recounted the Turkish Cypriots’ efforts, with the support of Türkiye, to find a solution in good faith, citing the Annan Plan nearly 20 years ago and later in 2017 in Crans Montana.

He noted that the Turkish Cypriots continue to live in isolation and under embargoes, unable even to play matches with teams in the UK or Türkiye.

“We are preparing to celebrate 50 years since Türkiye’s intervention in 1974. Türkiye’s failure to intervene would have resulted in us being wiped out. We owe it to our community and future generations to find the right settlement on equal terms, on sovereignty. Until that date, I demand from the international community for direct flights, trade to be allowed, and the embargoes on Turkish Cypriots to be lifted, as promised 20 years ago in the Annan Plan. Unfortunately, those promises were not kept, and we are still living under embargoes in this day and age,” Tatar concluded.