Cabinet postpones air traffic controllers’ strike at Ercan Airport for 60 days
Date Added: 27 May 2024

The cabinet announced on Monday a 60-day postponement of the strike planned by the Air Traffic Controllers’ Union at Ercan Airport.

The decision was published in the Official Gazette this morning.

Exercising its authority under subsection (3) of Article 16 of the Collective Labour Agreement Strike and Referendum Law No. 42/1996, the cabinet said it was postponing for 60 days the 24-hour strike that the Air Traffic Controllers’ Union and/or any other unions intended to start on May 27, 2024.

It said that the decision was taken due to the strike’s disruptive nature concerning national security, public safety, and essential services within Civil Aviation and Airport Services.

“This decision aims to ensure the continuity of essential air traffic and airport services, highlighting the importance of maintaining national and public safety,” the announcement said.

Meanwhile, all public sector trade unions staged a nationwide general strike on Monday in solidarity and support for the livestock breeders who have been staging a week-long protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Offices in protest of a decision to import meat.