CTP Ordinary party congress will be held on March 16, 2025
Date Added: 18 September 2024

The date for the congress of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) has been set.

The 29th Ordinary General Congress of the Republican Turkish Party, which has been moved 6 months ahead of its regular schedule, will be held on March 16, 2025.

The main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) will hold its 29th Ordinary Party Congress on March 16, 2025.

According to a statement from the party, the Republican Turkish Party’s Party Assembly decided at its meeting on September 9 to move the congress date 6 months ahead of the regular schedule based on the authority granted by the party’s regulations.

The Party Assembly also decided that the Ordinary General Assembly will take place on March 16, 2025.

It was also announced that district and organizational congresses will be held prior to the congress, and the party will inform the public of the district congress dates as they are determined.