CTP welcomes UNSC resolution
Date Added: 01 February 2023

The General Secretary of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Asım Akansoy has said that the UN Security Council’s (UNSC) resolution confirmed that Turkish Cypriots are actors in Cyprus and on the Cyprus issue.

Akansoy also said that his party will continue its efforts for a comprehensive solution based on political equality.

The CTP General Secretary Asım Akansoy who evaluated the Security Council’s latest resolution which extended the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force (UNFICYP) for 12 months said that the resolution made a call to both sides in Cyprus to return to the negotiating table for a “bizonal, bicommunal federal solution based on political equality.”

Akansoy said that expression of support given by the UN Security Council to the will of both peoples on the island at a time when there was no common ground for the resumption of talks and that both sides were adopting maximalist positions was extremely important.

“A solution in Cyprus on the basis of UN Security Council resolutions, which we regularly point out, is possible. All other proposals outside of these parameters serve the continuation of the status quo on the island and the Turkish Cypriots will be the only ones who will suffer,” he said.

The CTP General Secretary also said that a result could be reached through a methodology which is results-oriented and subject to a well-planned timetable.

Akansoy also said that his party will continue its struggle for a comprehensive solution based on political equality.