Culture and Art Lifetime Service Awards
Date Added: 18 April 2023

The Culture Department has presented the 2nd Culture and Art Lifetime Service Awards to thank people who have used their skills to shape culture and art in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Speaking during the event President Ersin Tatar touched upon the unjust embargoes enforced against the TRNC and said that embargoes cannot prevent art from prevailing.

The Culture Department that operates under the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment, held an event to present the 2nd Culture and Art Lifetime Service Awards within the framework of 15th of April World Art Day.

Speaking at the event President Ersin Tatar said that he has always believed in culture, art and literature.

Underlining the fact that there are two peoples and two separate states in Cyprus, Tatar said “our separate culture, customs and traditions are proof of this.”

He also emphasized that the unfair embargoes against the TRNC cannot prevent art.

Culture and Art Lifetime Service Awards were given to Sculptor Ahmet Şevket Uzunahmet, Pianist and Composer Arman Ratip, Painters Emel Samioğlu and Gönen Atakol, Writer Gülgün Serdar, Researcher Writer Poet Hüseyin Kaba, Poet Writer İlter Veziroğlu, Poet Writer Neriman Cahit, Poet and Painter Oktay Öksüzoğlu, Painter Writer Osman Güvenir, Painter Writer Özden Selenge and Educator Orchestra Conductor Yılmaz Taner.

Artists whose works are included in the exhibition of the Culture Department are Cumhur Deliceırmak, Emel Samioğlu, Feryal Sükan, Filiz Ankaç, Gönen Atakol, Hüseyin Özinal, Kemal Ankaç, Mehmet Uluhan, Mustafa Hastürk, Osman Güvenir, Osman Keten, Özden Selenge, Ruzen Atakan, Salih Mustafa Çizel, Serkan İlseven, Sümer Erek, Şenol Özdevrim and Yücel Yazgın.