Deadly traffic accident
Date Added: 23 August 2024

One soldier was killed and 11 others injured in a traffic accident near Akçay on Thursday morning.

Private Uğurcan Işık was killed in the crash which occurred when the military vehicle transporting the soldiers hit another car it was overtaking.

The driver of the military vehicle lost control of the vehicle which ran off the road and overturned in a field.

The injured are currently being treated in hospital and a police investigation into the incident is continuing.

State and government officials have issued messages expressing condolences over the death of private Uğurcan Işık.

In his message, President Ersin Tatar said, “I have learned with sorrow that a military vehicle overturned on the Akçay-Güzelyurt highway, resulting in the injury of 11 soldiers and the martyrdom of one soldier. I wish a speedy recovery to our injured brothers, mercy from God for our martyr, and extend my condolences to his grieving family, the Turkish Armed Forces, and the Turkish people.”

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and other state and government officials in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) also issued messages expressing their sorrow.

Meanwhile, Turkish Vice President, Cevdet Yılmaz issued a message of condolence, saying, “I pray for God’s mercy on our heroic soldier, Private Uğurcan Işık, who was martyred in the accident involving a military vehicle in the TRNC. I wish patience for his family and loved ones. I also pray for the swift recovery of our injured soldiers. My deepest condolences to our nation.”

Turkish Minister of National Defence, Yaşar Güler, also shared a condolence message on the Ministry’s social media account.

“On behalf of myself and the members of the Ministry of National Defence, I pray for God’s mercy on our heroic martyr, and I extend my condolences and patience to his grieving family and our noble nation” Güler said.