Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment, Democrat Party leader Fikri Ataoğlu issued messages to mark World Theatre Day.
Üstel, in his message published on the occasion of World Theatre Day, announced good news for both theatre artists and art lovers.
Üstel stated that the funds required for the project aimed at reviving the building of the Cyprus Turkish State Theatres, which had burned down exactly 25 years ago, have been blocked by the Ministry of Finance. However, he announced that the project would be tendered in April.
The prime minister extended his congratulations and best wishes to all theatre artists, stage veterans working in theatres, and art enthusiasts on World Theatre Day, emphasizing their contributions to the Turkish Cypriot theatre scene.
In his message to mark World Theatre Day, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Ataoğlu stated that theatre is an important part of cultural heritage, where people express their feelings and thoughts in the purest form, affecting society deeply.
Emphasizing the importance of remembering the magic and power of the theatre once again and reviewing the values that art adds to humanity, Ataoğlu gave the good news that they have allocated funds in the budget for the Turkish Cypriot State Theatres building project.
He said the new Turkish Cypriot State Theatre building will offer a brand new platform to our artists and theatre lovers and will be instrumental in the rise of the Turkish Cypriot theatre again.