Disabled Week events continue
Date Added: 12 May 2023

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu issued a message to mark the World Disabled Week which is observed between May 10-16.

In his message the Deputy Prime Minister said that persons with disabilities needed to be assisted everyday not just in May.

Ataoğlu said that May 10-16 World Disabled week aimed to draw attention to the rights of persons with disabilities around the world and to raise awareness in society and to improve their lives.

“Our brothers and sisters with disabilities have to struggle with the difficulties they face in every aspect of their lives. We should appreciate their strong, courageous and determined personalities and do our best to make their dreams come true.”

For this reason, Ataoğlu reminded that it is necessary to be more sensitive to the needs of the disabled and do everything possible to help them.