Earthquake Assessment Committee carries inspections at schools
Date Added: 27 February 2023

Acting in line with the decision taken by the Prime Ministry’s  Earthquake Inspection Committee, technical experts started carrying out their first inspections and tests on buildings on Sunday.

The first inspections were carried out at the Namık Kemal High School and Gazimağusa Turk Maarif College in the Gazimağusa district.

In a statement issued by the Prime Ministry’s Press and Public Relations Bureau, Prime Ministry officials, members of the Earthquake Committee affiliated to the Prime Ministry, officials from the Ministry of National Education and technical teams launched earthquake resistance inspections at Gazimağusa Namık Kemal High School and Gazimağusa Turk Maarif College.

Issuing a statement, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel noted that they have started carrying out tests on public buildings as promised earlier and that the first inspections were held at schools in the Gazimağusa district.

He said that they would first divide schools into risk groups and then in accordance with the analysis to be released an action plan will be implemented immediately.