Efforts to form People’s Council continue
Date Added: 03 February 2023

Efforts to form the People’s Council, which will operate under the Office of the President, continue to progress, as the formation committee convened for its 4 meeting on Thursday under the chairmanship of President Ersin Tatar.

Speaking during the meeting, Tatar reacted to the latest decision to extend the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for 1 year, stressing that it was out of the question for the Turkish Cypriot side to accept this decision.

Pointing out that the Greek-Greek Cypriot duo, its supporters and some circles were carrying out operations and provocations targetting motherland Türkiye with the aim of breaking its bond with the Turkish Cypriot people, Tatar said, “There is no power that can tear us away from our greatest strength and supporter motherland Türkiye.”

Stating that they were resolutely moving forward on the path to achieving a solution model based on the existence of two separate sovereign states, the president said that it was not possible to achieve a federal settlement which he argued was aimed at removing Türkiye’s guarantees, the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus and reducing the Turkish Cypriot people into a minority.

The president also referred to the importance of the speech of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at the 77th UN General Assembly.

Noting that a new era had begun on the Cyprus issue following Erdoğan’s call to the countries to “recognize the TRNC”, Tatar underlined the importance of the TRNC’s admission to the Organization of Turkic States with its constitutional name as an observer member.

He added the move had heralded a new era on the Cyprus Problem.

In his speech, the President also referred to the importance of acting as one voice, in unity and solidarity.