“Energy Crisis in the TRNC”
Date Added: 20 April 2023

The Union of the Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects (KTMMOB) organized a panel on Wednesday under the theme “Energy Crisis in the TRNC”.

Issues experienced in the country over the years related to energy and the latest crisis were discussed at the panel

The panel aimed to determine a roadmap and guidelines to address the issue.

The panel organised by the Union of the Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects (KTMMOB), on Wednesday was attended by the Minister of Economy and Energy Olgun Amcaoğlu, the leader of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party Tufan Erhürman, ministers, mayors and representatives of civil society organisations.

The Head of the KTMMOB Tunç Adanır, who delivered an opening speech at the event, said that they had foreseen the problems being experienced today a long time ago and had prepared a report outlining what needed to be done.

He said the problems experienced today were the inevitable outcome of the report being ignored by state and government officials in the past.

Adanır drew attention to the fact that the country did not possess a comprehensive energy management system or policy.

He however welcomed the decision adopted by parliament to urgently discuss the Energy Supreme Board Law, stating that this was an important step.

Adanır, also emphasized the importance of implementing the Energy Efficiency Law and the passing of a law that will encourage consumers to switch to electric cars as soon as possible.

He also underlined the necessity of creating a more sustainable and efficient electricity authority.

“How right is it to sign a new 15-year deal with an energy company that produces electricity with fuel oil when we have the option of reducing investment costs via interconnectivity and renewable energy?” Adanır asked.

He added that cheap and environmentally friendly energy alternatives should be the country’s priority