Erenköy Resistance is a cornerstone of T. Cypriots struggle for existence
Date Added: 08 August 2024

The leader of the Democrat Party, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu issued a message on the 60th anniversary of the ‘Erenköy Resistance’.

In his message, Ataoğlu emphasized that the honourable struggle in Erenköy is one of the cornerstones of the Turkish Cypriot struggle for existence.

In his message the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu noted that the Turkish Cypriot people once again showed the whole world the unshakable trust and faith in Motherland Türkiye with the unique heroism and patriotism displayed in Erenköy 60 years ago.

Stating that the Erenköy Epic is the greatest proof of what the Turkish Cypriot people can do for the sake of freedom, sovereignty, homeland and flag, Ataoğlu stated that this epic struggle has been a beacon of hope for the Turkish Cypriot people for years and has laid the foundation for achieving peace, freedom and sovereignty.

“Today, we remember with gratitude the struggle of our martyrs and heroic veterans who sacrificed their lives for us to achieve our freedom and bright future” said Ataoğlu in his message.

“We are determined to protect and carry forward this sacred homeland that they bequeathed us with the same love and devotion. We will continue to work hard to carry this flag, which we inherited from our ancestors, even higher with the strength and support given to us by the Motherland Türkiye” said Ataoğlu.

He paid his respects to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the existence of the TRNC in the glorious Erenköy Resistance.

Ataoğlu said that the path light by the martyrs will enable Turkish Cypriots to walk towards the future with determined steps.

“Together, in unity and solidarity, we will continue to carry the free and independent TRNC to a brighter tomorrow” said Ataoğlu in his message.