Eroğlu receives GKK Commander Görgülü
Date Added: 28 August 2024

Former President Dr. Derviş Eroğlu, received the newly appointed Commander of the Security Forces, Brigadier General İlker Görgülü.

In his speech during the meeting, Eroğlu wished Brigadier General Görgülü success in his new position.

“Our most important unity is our Security Forces,” he said and stressed that the borders were safeguarded in cooperation with the army corps and the Turkish Armed Forces.

Eroğlu also expressed that the Turkish Cypriots had always felt a deep sense of gratitude towards the Turkish Armed Forces.

Brigadier General İlker Görgülü for his part stated that he was honoured and pleased to be appointed as the new commander of the Security Forces Command, which is a continuation of the Turkish Resistance Organization, cherished by the Turkish Cypriot community.

During the meeting, Brigadier General İlker Görgülü also presented a plaque to President Eroğlu.