Final funerals held for TCs killed in earthquake
Date Added: 13 February 2023

All members of the squad who died in the devastating earthquake in Türkiye on Monday have now been returned to the island as the last of the funerals were held on Sunday.

Thirteen funerals were held in Gazimağusa, Yeniboğaziçi, Dörtyol, and Mormenkşe, all for people part of the school group from the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College who had gone to Adıyaman for a volleyball tournament.

It was a dark day from Gazimağusa and the surrounding villages as hundreds gathered at the Lala Mustafa Paşa mosque in the old town of Gazimağusa, where the funeral for the three members of the Çavdır family was held, father Evren, mother Havva, and their daughter Elvin.

Two more members of the group, Osman Çentintaş and Havin Kılıç, were buried in Yeniboğaziçi, while mother Bedriye and Ecem Yeniçeri, were buried in Dörtyol.

In the afternoon in Gazimağusa the funerals of Sahil Özberkman, Asya Tülek, İzcan Nurluöz, Mustafa Sabancı, and Ali Karasel were held.

In the village of Mormenekşe, the funeral of Perihan Çetiner was held.

Of the volleyball group, there were no survivors, despite Evren being initially pulled out alive, only to succumb to his injuries shortly afterwards in hospital.