Fire Department reminds of fire precautions
Date Added: 21 June 2024

With the increase in temperatures in our country, a rise in fires has also been seen leading to the Fire Brigade Directorate issuing a statement titled “Timely precautions prevent disaster”.

In its statement the Fire Brigade Directorate reminded of the precautions that need to be taken against fires in parallel with the increase in temperatures.

The measures that can be taken to prevent fires were listed in the statement.

Among the precautions shared by the Fire Brigade Directorate, it was stated that “those who see a fire or see smoke should immediately contact ALO 199 Fire Brigade Fire Warning Hotline, ALO 177 Forest Fire Warning Hotline and 155 Police Dispatch.”

Until October 31st, it is forbidden to light any kind of fire, even if it is for the purpose of cleaning.

“It should not be forgotten that fires lit in areas that are not suitable for lighting fires may get out of our control and may lead to bigger fires. We need to follow the rules regarding where fires can be lit” read the statement.

It also reminded that cigarette butts should not be thrown into garbage bins or on materials that can burn without making sure that they are completely extinguished.

It also stated that in the case of any problems seen at the transformer station, electricity poles or electric power lines that may interconnect with each other or if tree branches have fallen on electric cables during bad weather conditions, all of these incidents should be reported to the Alo 188 Electricity Failure Notification hotline.

“Tree branches that touch electric wires should be trimmed, and before trimming, it is necessary to cut off the electricity supply in order to prevent the risk of fires. Dry grass underneath the electricity lines should also be cleaned and fire extinguishing equipment should be ready on hand while trimming activities take place” said the statement.

It also called on those who own private vehicles, public transportation vehicles and vehicles for carrying fuel or those who have vehicles that are in need of repair to have their vehicles serviced, maintained, exhaust and tire checks done on time as all of these measures will prevent fires from breaking out.

It noted that keeping a 2 kg capacity dry chemistry type fire extinguisher in vehicles and at homes and learning how to use the device will prevent the growth and spreading of fires.