FM reacted sharply to UNSC decision to extend mandate of UNFICYP for one year
Date Added: 31 January 2023

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reacted sharply to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) decision to extend the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force for one year.

A written statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that unlike previous terms, the decision to extend the mandate of the United Nations on the island for a period of one year instead of six months was a direct obstacle put in place to maintain the present status-quo.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs evaluated the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2674 (2023) extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) until January 31, 2024, for a period of one year which has been adopted on January 30, 2023.

“At the outset it should be emphasized that the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, which continues to treat one side on the island as a “state” and the other side merely as a “community”, are unacceptable” the foreign ministry statement said.

“The continued ignorance of the existence of our state and the will of our people as well as the pillar principle of the consent of all parties for the functioning of the UN Peace Keeping forces in the Security Council decision puts the existence of UNFICYP in our country in question. Moreover, the reference to the consent as to the “Greek Cypriot side agrees for the extension of the mandate” discredits the reputation and the credibility of the UN” it added.

The statement said that the wording used in the resolution was completely detached from the realities on the ground and gave the international community a misleading message by serving the interests of the Greek Cypriot side.

“The imposition through use of expressions such as continuation of the search for a common ground with the aim of paving the way for returning to the negotiations, as well as the resumption of official negotiations on the basis of the “bi-zonal, bi-communal federation” model, in most diplomatic terms, is a great disrespect towards the will of the Turkish Cypriot people” the statement noted.

The foreign ministry reminded that talks for a federal settlement on the island had collapsed indefinitely in 2017 after the Greek Cypriot side had abandoned the negotiating table.

“The Security Council’s insistence on this exhausted model which even the UN Secretary-General himself refrains from mentioning in his reports and is now defunct for the Turkish Cypriot side, is unacceptable. Such an approach pursues no other purpose than serving the interests of the Greek Cypriot side, which aims at keeping the Turkish Cypriot people under isolation and disconnected from the rest of world for an indefinite time. Unlike previous terms, the decision to extend the mandate of the United Nations on the island for a period of one year instead of six months is a direct obstacle put in place to maintain the present status-quo” the statement stressed.

The statement pointed out that the only realistic solution on the island today was the two existing States to come together on the basis of their sovereign equality and equal international status.

“At this stage, members of the UN Security Council should stop ignoring the existing realities and accept the fact that there are two separate peoples and two separate States on the island. Our expectation from the Security Council is to adopt a new approach by acknowledging the existing realities on the ground and note that there is no common ground for the commencement of the same type of negotiations between the two sides. We also expect the Security Council to review its outdated resolutions which result in disconnecting the Turkish Cypriot people from the rest of the world” the foreign ministry added.

The ministry’s statement said that another contradiction in the resolution was the reference to international law to address the humanitarian issues such as irregular migration, which it pointed out required international solidarity.

It said that it was unacceptable that the Turkish Cypriot side was kept out of the equation on sensitive issues that require international cooperation, being excluded from international community and international law for years due to the Greek Cypriot side’s obstructionist policies and the reluctance of the international community. “For this reason, it is a real dilemma to refer to international law on the one hand while refraining from cooperating with the Turkish Cypriot side on the other,” the statement stated.

The foreign ministry also said that the fact that the resolution made no reference to the Turkish Cypriot peoples’ isolation proves right the Turkish Cypriot side’s observation that the UN Security Council has lost sight of the realities on the ground.

Exaggerated and misleading wording so as to expressing satisfaction with the increase in “intra-island trade” amounts to nothing but serving the strengthening of the obstacles for the Turkish Cypriot people for integrating with the rest of the world through direct trade” the Foreign Ministry statement added.

Regarding the fenced-off town of MaraĹź, which has become a symbol of the status quo, the statement said that the Turkish Cypriot people regretfully condemned the threatening statements in the resolution.

It added that no one had a right to say over the territory belonging to the TRNC and that the Turkish Cypriot side was determined to continue its policy regarding MaraĹź.

The statement said the Security Council openly serves the policies of the Greek Cypriot side which tries to prevent the Greek Cypriots from returning to their properties. The fenced-off area of Maraş is an area within the territory and sovereignty of the TRNC and like other countries; it will never accept transferring the control of its own territory to an international organization. Instead of making threats, the Security Council should support our steps in order to contribute to reconciliation on the island,” the Foreign Ministry said.

On the issue of hydrocarbons, the statement read, “Rather than criticising the unilateral hydrocarbon activities of the Greek Cypriot side, the Security Council opted to link the revenues to be obtained from hydrocarbon resources with a possible agreement on the Cyprus issue, which tantamount to ignoring the inherent rights and legitimate interests of the Turkish Cypriot people. It is unacceptable for us that the issue is degraded to a mere tension in the Eastern Mediterranean and the fact that the natural resources in and around the island belongs to both peoples on the island is overlooked,” the statement noted.

The statement also said that relationship between the UN and the TRNC authorities is unsustainable and cannot continue “business as usual”.

“UNFICYP has been carrying out its activities in the TRNC on the basis of our goodwill and hospitality. It is crucial that the activities of the UNFICYP are conducted within a legal framework. We will continue to seek a common understanding in good faith” it added.

The Foreign Ministry statement concluded by stressing that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will continue to object to the resolutions of the Security Council until the Security Council revisits its decisions and refrains from treating one side on the island as a “state” and the other as a “community.”