Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu advised the British Ambassador Irfan Siddiq to keep his views, advice and opinions on Cyprus to himself.
Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu made evaluations to Turkish Agency Cyprus TAK on the current developments in Cyprus.
Stating that the British Ambassador Irfan Siddiq has almost made it a habit to put forward views on the Cyprus issue that are out of line, Ertuğruloğlu stated that Siddiq has once again shown that he is trying to distort the facts on the Cyprus issue.
“We find it useful to remind that whatever the Ambassador’s views may be and no matter how much he tries to change the agenda, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is and will remain the sovereign State of the Turkish Cypriot People. He should keep his views, advice and opinions to himself, we do not need any of these” said Ertuğruloğlu.
He also evaluated the first visit of Maria Angela Holguin, the Personal Representative appointed by the UN Secretary General, to the island.
Noting that Holguin officially started her duty on January 30th by holding meetings with both sides, Ertuğruloğlu reminded that it was important for Holguin to meet with representatives from all walks of life with different views on the Cyprus issue.
He pointed out that it is not possible for the Colombian diplomat to draw conclusions or see the general picture by listening to the views of only one side.
“It is never possible to return to a negotiation process based on the federation formula. Our view on this issue will be clearly explained to Mrs. Holguin” said Ertuğruloğlu.