Forest fire in Türkiye
Date Added: 21 June 2024

With the hot weather taking effect, news of fresh fires everyday continue to be announced.

In Türkiye, forest fires broke out one in Bergama district of Izmir and the other in Büyükorhan district of Bursa.

Five people lost their lives and 44 people were injured in a fire between Diyarbakır and Mardin.

The fire in Ayvacık, Çanakkale is finally under control.

The fight against forest fires continues in two provinces in Türkiye.

The fire, which started at 2pm on Thursday in Bergama district of Izmir, grew.

The flames rising from the forest area in Ilgındere street approached Sarıcalar street.

Some houses and barns in the area were evacuated and extinguishing efforts continued.

Meanwhile, a forest fire broke out in the Büyükorhan district of Bursa.

The flames spread quickly to 250 hectares. The fire was tackled by 200 vehicles and nearly a thousand personnel.

A fire also broke out in cultivated areas between Çınar district of Diyarbakır and Mazıdağı district of Mardin.

It was later announced that 5 citizens lost their lives and 44 people were injured in the fire.

As a result of the intense efforts of the teams, the fire was brought under control and cooling efforts are ongoing.

On the other hand, a fire started in the forest area near Çamköy village in Ayvacık district of Çanakkale and spread rapidly due to high winds.

Teams responded to the fire from land and air.

The village was evacuated as a precautionary measure.

The fire was brought under control as a result of rapid intervention and cooling efforts are continuing.