Hasipoğlu: earthquakes cannot be politicized
Date Added: 21 February 2023

The General Secretary of the National Unity Party (UBP) Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu has said that earthquakes could not be politicized and that it was important to prepare for possible natural disasters in the future.

Speaking on a programme on BRT on Monday, the UBP General Secretary Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu said that the Turkish Cypriot people were in great sorrow both for the thousands in Türkiye who lost their lives as well as the Turkish Cypriot children, their teachers and families who perished in the twin-earthquakes.

“We have an obligation to heal our wounds,” said Hasipoğlu, reminding that the second school semester had begun on Monday.

“I’m a graduate of the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College. My daughter goes to the same school and they are all grieving the death of their friends and teachers. That is why the atmosphere in Gazimağusa is different. Recovering from this tragedy will not be easy but we will do all we can to bring those responsible to justice,” he said.

The UBP General Secretary expressed his full confidence in the Turkish judiciary which he said was following the process closely.

Hasipoğlu also highlighted the importance of preparing for such a natural disaster in the TRNC.

“The government has launched efforts in this direction. Everyone must do their part in being prepared,” he added.

Also touching upon the elections in South Cyprus, the UBP General Secretary said that it was always important to continue dialogue.

“The statements made by the newly elected Greek Cypriot leader have given the signals on how he looks at the Cyprus issue. It’s clear that a solution is not possible as long as this mentality prevails. What needs to be done first is for our sovereign equality to be recognized. The Greek Cypriots also need to learn how to share with us, whether this be power or the island’s natural wealth. I am not very optimistic about the new leader. I hope he proves me wrong,” he said.