KTTO presents electricity report to state-govt officials
Date Added: 20 April 2023

The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (KTTO) has started to present its report on electricity production in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

The report outlines the current situation in electricity production and examines options for interconnectivity.

A delegation from the chamber paid a visit to President Ersin Tatar on Wednesday.

Receiving the delegation headed by the chairman of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce Turgay Deniz, President Ersin Tatar pointed out that producing electricity via fossil fuels was the source of environmental pollution.

He expressed the view that switching to alternative energy sources such as solar energy will have benefits for both sides.

Tatar said that political will was required to bring to life the interconnectivity project with Türkiye.

“In our meetings with our Greek Cypriot counterparts we have repeatedly stated that we can cooperate on issues concerning energy and water. Achieving interconnectivity with Türkiye, which is connecting the TRNC’s energy grid to that of Türkiye’s via cable will widen our options for alternative energy. Increasing our solar capacity will have benefits for both sides,” he added.

For his part, Turgay Avcı presented the president with the chamber’s report, briefing him on the current state of energy production in the country as well as alternative options.