Date Added: 05 April 2024

One of the holiest nights in Islam, Laylat al-Qadr or Kadir Gecesi, which has a sacred significance because it is the day the Holy Quran was revealed to earth, is being realized tonight.

The Head of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ünsal and the head of the Religious Officers Association Gökan İnik issued a message on the occasion of Laylat al-Qadr Night.

In his message the head of the Religious Affairs Ünsal stated that Laylat al-Qadr Night has a sacred importance as it is the day when the Holy Quran was revealed to the earth.

“As we prepare to bid farewell to the blessed month of Ramadan, let’s leave resentments aside and pray for the strengthening of our brotherhood and solidarity,” said Ünsal.

The head of the Religious Officers Association İnik in his message said that the most important feature of Laylat al-Qadr Night is that the Holy Quran was revealed to earth and that the prayers and worships to be performed on this night will be accepted as if they had been performed for a thousand months.