MFA criticizes GCA over hydrocarbon exploration
Date Added: 27 April 2023

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday criticized the Greek Cypriot administration for its insistence on continuing its unilateral hydrocarbon activities in the Eastern Mediterranean and of raising tensions in the region.

The ministry also pointed out that it was high time the international community acknowledged the Greek Cypriot side’s intransigent and domineering stance.

In a written statement issued on Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it was closely following the Greek Cypriot administration’s unilateral hydrocarbon activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Pointing out that the Greek Cypriot side had started preparations to begin drilling in block 12 in the so-called Exclusive Economic Zone it announced earlier, the Foreign Ministry said that this area clashed with the block licensed to Turkish Petroleum by the government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

“Despite all our warnings, the Greek Cypriot administration which insists on carrying out unilateral activities in the Eastern Mediterranean is raising tensions in the region. The Turkish Cypriot people are co-owners of the island of Cyprus and have equal rights concerning all natural resources on the island and the surrounding seas,” the statement read.

It reminded that the TRNC had repeatedly expressed the view that the issue should be dealt with through dialogue and cooperation.

“The TRNC presented the Greek Cypriot administration with a set of comprehensive proposals in 2011, 2012, and 2019 and more recently on July 1, 2022 regarding the hydrocarbons in the area. However, the Greek Cypriot side insists on benefiting from the status quo on the island at the expense of usurping the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people,” it added.

The ministry also pointed out that its proposal to organise a comprehensive conference to deal with the issue was still valid.

“Once again we would like to renew our call for diplomacy and an agreement. However it must be known that as long as the Greek Cypriot administration continues its one-sided activities, the TRNC will continue to do all that is necessary to protect its legitimate rights and interests as well as take all appropriate measures,” the ministry concluded.