Minister Ataoğlu: Nothing is a dream for our country anymore
Date Added: 17 October 2023

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu attended a concert organized in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, to mark the 30th anniversary of TURKSOY.

President Ersin Tatar also attended the concert held at the Heydar Aliyev Centre, one of the symbols of Baku.

Within the framework of the “TURKSOY Culture Days”, Ataoğlu visited the “TURKSOY 30 Years” Photograph Exhibition and the “23rd TURKSOY Painters Meeting” Painting Exhibition where he met with the artists.

Making a statement to the press, Ataoğlu stated that important and valuable decisions had been taken during his meetings.

He said that in order to popularize the Turkish language in the Turkic states, it was decided to prepare Nasrettin Hodja films and show them in the member states.

He pointed out that another important decision that was taken was to ensure that the young people of the Turkic states come together in events with the committees to be formed by the representatives of TURKSOY member states.

“We want to build bridges of friendship with Azerbaijan and other Turkic States as well as with Motherland Türkiye. With the meeting of the Presidents of the two countries, which was realized with the support of the President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, nothing is non attainable anymore.”

In his statement, Minister Ataoğlu also addressed the people of Azerbaijan and stated that they will initiate work to organize visits for the people of the two friendly and brotherly countries to get to know each other and said, “We will be pleased to welcome the Azerbaijani people in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)”.

Ataoğlu also stated that people from the TRNC will also visit Azerbaijan and carry out studies that will enable the citizens of the two brotherly countries to get to know each other closely.