Minister Çavuşoğlu: Measures will be taken at schools immediately
Date Added: 22 February 2023

The level of preparedness for a possible earthquake and the condition of school buildings in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus topped the agenda of the Republic’s Assembly on Tuesday, leading to heated debates between MPs.

Addressing MPs, the Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu shared information on steps that will be taken at schools.

He stated that priority of the earthquake assessment committee established under the umbrella of the Prime Ministry would be to prepare risk assessment reports of schools following the collection of samples, all of which will be completed in 15 days the latest.

“We will do whatever is necessary in the light of the reports to be prepared. We want to renovate and strengthen our school buildings and if needed build new schools. We are all responsible for creating financing for such projects should the need arise,” said Çavuşoğlu.

Touching upon the scale of the earthquake that led to colossal destruction in Türkiye, Çavuşoğlu said that lessons will be learned from the experiences.

He added that an AD HOC committee was established in parliament and measures are being taken to ensure that such a disaster will not be experienced again in the future.

“It is our duty to create places where everyone can live and work in safety and receive education in a safe environment. All the work that needs to be done in the country must be done as quickly as possible,” said Çavuşoğlu.