MOK sends letter of protest to UN
Date Added: 24 April 2023

The head of the National Olympics Committee (MOK) Dursun Koç has presented the United Nations with a letter to be forwarded to concerned parties protesting the sports embargoes imposed on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Presenting the letter to UN officials on Monday, the President of the TRNC National Olympics Committee Dursun Koç called on the UN to honour the promises made to the Turkish Cypriot people during the 2004 Annan Plan period.

“The UN had made it clear that something was needed to be done for Turkish Cypriots who overwhelmingly supported the plan. We want the UN to stand behind its word,” he said.

Pointing out that they wanted Turkish Cypriot athletes to be able to compete in international organisations, Koç said, “Participating in international organisations under our own flag is a human right.”

The page and half long letter expressed the Turkish Cypriot sides protest against what it described was an unfair situation arising from the violation of basic human rights.

It said that the Turkish Cypriot side believes that the international community has a responsibility to ensure that basic human rights, including the right to participate in sports activities, are respected and upheld.