Missing martyr Mustafa Mulla Hussein, who was found through the efforts of the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP), was buried with a state ceremony held in Gazimağusa today.
President Ersin Tatar, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu, Commander of the Turkish Peace Forces in Cyprus Major General Sebahattin Kılınç, Commander of the Cyprus Turkish Security Forces Major General Osman Aytaç, Deputy Commander of the Security Forces Brigadier General Kadir Bayraklı, the martyr’s family, relatives and other military and civilian officials attended the ceremony at the Canbulat Martyrdom.

Mustafa Mulla Hussein, born in 1936, married and father of two, went to Larnaca on December 27, 1963 to buy fuel and never returned. He was reported “missing” by his family.
His remains were found in a well in the buffer zone village of Troulloi in the Larnaca district.
Today a state funeral was held for the martyr at the Canbulat Martyrdom.

After prayers he was moved to the grave site where he was buried, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Türkiye flags that were draped around his coffin were handed over to his family by President Ersin Tatar.
Speaking at the ceremony Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu reminded that Mustafa Mulla Hussein was a 27-year-old young man who was struggling to bring bread to his family.
“He was transporting oil between Larnaca and Mutluyaka with his tanker truck. It was December 27, 1963. They cut him off. They took him out of the vehicle. They killed him because he was a Turkish Cypriot. This is the reality of Cyprus. Just like they kill babies in Gaza today just because they are Palestinians” said Feyzioğlu.
He said that there has been peace in Cyprus since the 1974 Peace Operation and added that the Greek Cypriot administration’s understanding of peace is to assimilate the Turkish Cypriots.
“Otherwise, there would have been an agreement already. Turkish Cypriots will never experience the fate of Gaza because they have their motherland Türkiye” said Feyzioğlu.
He continued to state that both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and TRNC President Ersin Tatar declared to the world that the only solution is to recognize the reality on the ground, namely the sovereign equality and equal international status of the TRNC.
“Türkiye and the TRNC have always been and will always be united” said Feyzioğlu.