Namık Kemal Museum redesigned
Date Added: 10 May 2023

The Namık Kemal Museum in Gazimağusa has been reopened to the public.

Speaking at the opening of the museum, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu said that the museum was redesigned to suit modern standards.

The Namık Kemal Museum in the walled city of Gazimağusa was reopened to public visits on Tuesday.

The museum was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu and the Mayor of Gazimağusa Süleyman Uluçay.

The museum includes information about Namık Kemal’s life and works, copies of his works, his letters, and a study room where he drafted his works as well as a television room where a short video about Namık Kemal’s life is screened.

Speaking at the event, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu highlighted the importance of museums.

Pointing out that the island of Cyprus had hosted dozens of civilizations throughout history, Ataoğlu said that they were working to preserve historic monuments and other artefacts that have survived through hundreds of years of history.

He explained that the Namık Kemal Museum was redesigned to suit modern museum standards.

Ataoğlu also noted that they were working in cooperation with the Gazimağusa Municipality which he added provided all kinds of support to promoting the city’s historic wealth.

Following the opening ceremony, a cooperation protocol was signed between the Department of Antiquities and Museums and the Gazimağusa Municipality.

Within the scope of the protocol, maintenance work and repairs will be carried out on the Gazimağusa historic walls