New term in TGNA
Date Added: 08 June 2023

The Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) has elected its new speaker.

The Justice and Development Party Istanbul Deputy Numan Kurtulmuş has become the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

In the first two rounds of voting, where seven deputies were nominated as candidates, none of the candidates managed to reach the required two-thirds majority of the total number of members to be elected as the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament.

In the third round of voting, the Justice and Development Party İstanbul Deputy Numan Kurtulmuş was elected as the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly with 321 votes.

After being elected as the Speaker of the Parliament, Kurtulmuş took the podium and delivered a speech.

“In the second century of our Republic, which we call the Century of Türkiye, we will all contribute and provide strength. We are embarking on an extremely important period. This nation has given us an opportunity and a chance. With the support given by the nation, we will work tirelessly to seize this opportunity. We will work wholeheartedly for a stronger, greater Türkiye. I would like to stress once again that I will fulfil the duty of the Speaker of the Parliament in dialogue with all political parties” Kurtulmuş said.

After the former ministers, who are members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Turkish Vice-President Cevdet Yılmaz and the 17 cabinet members also took their oaths in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.