Occupancy rates at hotels up for Bayram holiday
Date Added: 20 April 2023

Occupancy rate at hotels are up for the three-day Bayram holiday.

71 per cent of the larger resorts and 48 per cent of the smaller hotels will be full during the holiday.

Ercan Airport is also prepared for a busy extended weekend holiday with a total of 500 flights over the next six days.

According to a statement by the head of the Cyprus Turkish Hoteliers Association Dimağ Çağıner, said that the latest figures concerning occupancy rates at hotels was satisfying.

He said that six of the 109 hotels operating in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were completely full.

Also issuing a statement, the General Director of T&T Airport Management Services M Serhat Özçelik said that all measures had been taken at Ercan Airport to ensure that arriving and departing passengers experienced no difficulties.

He added that over 500 flights were expected over the next six days.