Parl. delegation wraps up its contacts in Ankara
Date Added: 03 February 2023

The Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC) Legislative Assembly wrapped up its contacts in the Turkish capital Ankara on Friday.

The delegation headed by National Unity Party (UBP) MP Özdemir Berova came together with the Turkish Grand National Assembly’s (TGNA) Health, Family, Labour and Social Affairs Committee on Friday.

Speaking during the meeting, Committee Chairman Akdağ said that they were ready to work together with Turkish Cypriot authorities to improve health services in the TRNC.

He said that Türkiye’s support of the TRNC in every field will continue.

For his part, the head of the TRNC Legislative Assembly’s Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee Özdemir Berova said that the TRNC was grateful to Türkiye’s support provided to the Turkish Cypriot people in every field.

Berova said that they appreciated Türkiye’s support during the pandemic as well as in ensuring uninterrupted supplies of medicines to the TRNC following the shortages experienced after the pandemic.

Earlier on Thursday, the delegation was received by the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament Mustafa Şentop.

Speaking during the meeting, Şentop said that he was pleased to see the increase in exchanges and mutual visits between committees of their respective parliaments.

He pointed out that the Turkish Grand National Assembly always acted together with the Turkish Cypriot people as they were defending a joint cause.

Şentop also said that they fully supported the vision adopted by President Ersin Tatar at the negotiating table and were conveying this to their counterparts whenever and wherever they could.

He said that it would be right to discuss new perspectives and discourses.

The Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly said that they were working hard to get the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States to grant observer membership to the TRNC, just as they had done in the Organisation of Turkic States.

For his part, the head of the Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee of the TRNC’s Legislative Assembly Özdemir Berova said that they were working hard as a country recognized only by the Republic of Türkiye and under international embargoes for the continuation of the state.

“This is the main idea behind our push for a two-state solution model based on sovereign equality. This is the only realistic solution model for a solution to the Cyprus Problem,” he said.

Berova concluded his remarks by expressing his gratitude to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government’s efforts in support of the TRNC.

Meanwhile, as part of its other contacts, the TRNC delegation also held a meeting with the Turkish Parliament’s National Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Committee.

The delegation will be returning to the republic today.