Parl. Speaker Töre calls on business people to build more schools
Date Added: 26 April 2023

The Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre said that students should educate themselves with love for their country and nation and most importantly in the field of science.

Töre also called on the business community to build more schools in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

The Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre received a delegation from the Iskele Suat Günsel Primary School Parent-Teacher Association.

Speaking during the visit Töre pointed to the importance of children’s education and noted that opportunities must be made available for children to be able to show and develop their skills.

While thanking Suat Günsel for all the investments he has made and the schools he has built in many corners of the country, Töre praised Günsel for the great contributions he has made to the education sector.

Touching upon the physical infrastructure deficiencies that emerged at schools after the earthquake, Töre said that there are many outdated schools, and expressed the hope that charitable business people will build more schools in the country.