Parl. Speaker Töre: It is our duty to maintain the TRNC
Date Added: 15 May 2023

The Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre said that it is their duty to maintain the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and assist its progress and that they will continue on the road with Motherland Türkiye.

He made this statement while receiving the crew that will realize a film project “Herşey Vatan İçin” meaning Everything for the Nation.

While receiving the film crew Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre was informed regarding the feature length film project that will screen events that took place between 1955 and 1964 in Cyprus.

Once the film is aired, then the events that took place between 1964 and 1974 will be filmed and will document everything that the Turkish Cypriot people have been put through.

Speaking during the visit Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre reminded that Cyprus is their homeland but had been under British colonial rule for 82 years.

He said that during these times the Turkish Cypriot people had been intertwined with many difficulties.

Describing the historical and difficult processes that the Turkish Cypriot people had experienced, Töre stated that the Republic of Cyprus is still under occupation today.

He said that it was their duty to keep the TRNC alive and take it forward and added that they will continue on the road with Motherland Türkiye.

“Türkiye, the TRNC and the Turkic World will all be together in the new century” said Töre.