Parl. Speaker Töre received ATA delegation
Date Added: 19 April 2023

The Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre received a delegation from the Anglo Turkish Association of Northern Cyprus on Tuesday.

Speaking during the meeting, the chairman of the association, Philip Lloyd briefed the parliamentary speaker on their activities.

He said that that the association was made up of members who were born in the UK and other countries but who have adopted North Cyprus as their homeland.

Lloyd added that existing problems can be solved through dialogue and mutual understanding.

The Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre for his part said that the government, parliament and the state were responsible for solving the problems experienced in the country.

Pointing out that a good number of British nationals had chosen the TRNC as their place of permanent residence; Töre noted that people live in other places other than their home country for a number of various reasons.

He stated that his own family had also immigrated from the South to North and that they had to migrate four times until 1974 due to the threats and pressure from the Greek Cypriot terrorist organisation EOKA.

“Today we live freely and safely under the roof of our own state,” Parliamentary Speaker Töre said, stressing that they desired a peaceful co-existence on the island with good neighbourly relations with the Greek Cypriots.