Date Added: 15 September 2023

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre is holding contacts in the Turkish capital Ankara.

As part of his contacts, Speaker Töre visited the Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation on Thursday.

He also moved onto Yozgat as part of his Ankara visit, where he carried out various contacts.

The Speaker of the TRNC Parliament Zorlu Töre, as part of his contacts in Ankara, visited the Turkish Armed Forces Mehmetçik Foundation on Thursday where he met with the Chairman, Retired Brigadier General İsmail Şanlı.

During his visit, Töre expressed great happiness at being at the foundation and mentioned that the name “Mehmetçik”, given to Turkish soldiers, holds special significance for him.

He also pointed out that there is a village named “Mehmetçik” in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Töre recounted their 96-year wait for Turkish soldiers to return to Cyprus after the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire, pointing out that they were reunited with Turkish troops through the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation, and since then, they have lived in peace and tranquillity.

Emphasizing that the TRNC was founded through the blood and struggle of our soldiers and fighters, Töre expressed his desire for Turkish troops to stay in Cyprus forever, despite the embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people and efforts made for the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island.

Mehmetçik Foundation Chairman Retired Brigadier General İsmail Şanlı also said that he had a special connection to Cyprus.

As part of his Ankara visit, Speaker Töre proceeded to Yozgat, where he met with Yozgat Governor Mehmet Ali Özkan.

During the visit, Töre spoke to journalists and highlighted the importance of the island of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean region for the Turkish nation.

Töre explained that the Cyprus cause is being vigorously defended in the Eastern Mediterranean and called on everyone who says “I am proud to be Turk” to support the TRNC and visit it.

He emphasized that their national cause in Cyprus receives significant support from both the President and the government of the Republic of Türkiye.

“Our cause is one, our goal is one. Hopefully, Türkiye will become even stronger,” he said.

Following his visit to the governor’s office, Töre proceeded to the Yozgat Municipality and met with Mayor Celal Köse.

As part of his visit to Yozgat, he also visited the Yozgat Martyrs’ Cemetery, where he placed flowers on the graves of the martyrs and offered prayers.

Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre also made a visit to Yozgat Bozok University.

Here, he was welcomed by the university’s rector, Prof. Dr. Evren Yaşar, and other officials, where he received information about the university’s educational activities.

Additionally, Speaker Töre participated in a live broadcast on Çamlık TV, a local channel broadcasting from Yozgat.