Date Added: 22 September 2023

A delegation from the Republic’s Assembly’s Economy, Finance, Budget and Planning Committee has carried out a variety of important meetings in the Turkish capital Ankara.

The delegation chaired by National Unity Party (UBP) MP Resmiye Eroğlu Canaltay first met with the Chairman of the Financial Crimes Investigation Board of the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance Hasan Kaymak, and then with the Turkish Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance İsmail İlhan Hatipoğlu.

As part of its contacts the delegation held a meeting with MASAK, the Financial Crimes Investigation Board of the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance.

MASAK President Hasan Kaymak stated that they have come a long way so far with their work as the board and that the TRNC’s needs in this sense are very important for them and therefore they will do everything they can to assist.

Canaltay for her part reminded that the Committee has been discussing the Bill for the Prevention of Laundering Proceeds for some time and are willing to consult with MASAK in order to eliminate deficiencies and make improvements to the law so that it is at international standards, by taking into account the TRNC’s needs.

The parliamentary delegation then held a meeting with İsmail İlhan Hatipoğlu the Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance of the Republic of Türkiye.

Hatipoğlu stated that they will continue their efforts for the welfare and security of the citizens in the TRNC and the development of bilateral relations and continue to work together in the future as well.

Canaltay for her part said that as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) they are experiencing the disadvantages of not being recognized and that not being able to bring income-raising issues to the agenda is also causing economic difficulties.

She stated that by carrying out such studies with motherland Türkiye, which is the only country that recognizes the TRNC, they strive to fill in the gaps in the laws and bring it to European Union and World norms, and that they attach great importance to this.