Parliamentary Speaker Töre in Ankara
Date Added: 27 April 2023

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre is in Ankara to attend the 12th General Assembly Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic States (TÜRKPA), upon an invitation of the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) Mustafa Şentop.

The National Unity Party (UBP) Gazimağusa MP Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu and Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Lefkoşa MP Sıla Usar İncirli are accompanying Töre during his visit to the Turkish capital.

The Parliamentary Press, Foreign Relations and Protocol Director Narin Yalıner Ataöz and the Private Secretary İrem Uygun are also part of the delegation.

Upon arrival in Ankara, Töre and his accompanying delegation were greeted by Justice and Development Party (AKP) Erzurum MP and TÜRKPA member İbrahim Aydemir and the TRNC Ambassador to Ankara İsmet Korukoğlu.

Töre is expected to hold some contacts in Ankara today and to attend the General Assembly meetings of TÜRKPA tomorrow.

A series of cooperation protocols are also expected to be signed with the Turkish government on the sidelines of the conference.